Arena League R2

Saturday 9th November 2019, Westminster Lodge, St Albans

On Saturday 9th November 2019, the Hertford SC Team competed in the second round of Arena League 2019. The gala took place at Westminster Lodge, Saint Albans, and Hertford raced against Watford, Borough of Broxbourne, Harpenden, Bromfield and Verulam.

It was a tough night for the team due to illnesses and injuries, other commitments on the day and holidays who kept some children away from training, but the swimmers tried their very best in each and every race. On the night Hertford came 6th, but gained invaluable experience and showed excellent team support!

Teddy on the night went to Conrad Garrott based on his technical improvement in backstroke. But many are the swimmers who deserve to be commended: among them, my thank you goes to whom competed after sitting exams all day, to whom swam straight after a double dance show, to whom raced albeit having struggled with back pain during the week, and to two university swimmers who joined us on the night. And thank you to all swimmers and their families for supporting the team!

Special mention deserves our Junior Captain Jack Blake, whose incredible consistency in training translated in brilliant performances on the night, including a nearly 4 second personal best in the 100 Fly, to show that hard work really pays off! Jack has an excellent attendance record, and challenges himself daily with great determination.

At this time of the season, many swimmers are working on refining their technique: quality swims were observed during the gala, keep up the good work swimmers!

The last round of this year’ National Arena League will take place on Saturday 14th December: details of the gala will be sent out in due course.



Best wishes
